Monday, October 29, 2007

Home for Good!!

Sunday, October 28
After 15,850 miles and 112 days on the road, we have finally arrived home. It feels good to be home, but that means returning to work is just around the corner. Oh well, you can’t be on vacation forever…….or maybe that is called retirement. We averaged 142 miles per day and spent approximately 288 hours in the car (12 of the 112 day trip). In hindsight, that is probably more than we should have. We did feel a little pushed for some of the trip. On the other hand we sure covered a lot of ground. The next sabbatical will have to be on a beach in Fiji for 4 months straight! We probably won’t be posting to this for some time. We may turn it into the family blog….Thanks for everyone who followed our trip, we hope you got to vicariously enjoy it with us!

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