Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

It's always amazing what kids will say. Bailey comes over today and tells me she lost her voice. I asked her when that happened and she said it happened last night when she was going to sleep. Then I asked where her voice went. She looked at me and simply replied, "In my hiney." Don't know where she got that from. But I suspect that her brothers have taught her that phrase.
Brandon is also one for funny statements. Today I had them at the grocery store and was talking to Sheri on the cell phone. When we got home, Sheri said, it sounded like you guys were taking over the store. Brandon said, "you could here that from our house?" He had a huge grin, so we think he was intentionally joking, but who knows....
May you all have a happy mother's day. Our kids gave Mom the gift she requested: cleaning her car out. Seth also cooked Sheri a delicious omlet for breakfast.

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