Saturday, September 22, 2007

San Diego Attractions

Friday, September 21
Today we went to the San Diego Zoo’s Wild Animal Park, which is an extension of the zoo. I have to say that if you do both, you’ll find a lot of redundancy. I’d recommend the zoo over the wild animal park. However, both are very good and we still enjoyed the park. The most interesting sight to see was a baby elephant only 2 days old. Even though he was 2 days old, he was about 220 lbs. They have 2 of only 8 northern white rhinos left in the world. They expect to become extinct in the next couple of decades because only one is able to reproduce. The Southern White Rhino was down to 100 left, but they bred them back up to 14,000 over the last 35 years. We drive to Las Vegas tomorrow.

Thursday, September 20
Today we went to Legoland. The park is quite unique as it is designed for kids between the ages of 5 and 10, which is exactly in our age range. Bailey was just a tad too short for many of the rides, but the three boys really enjoyed the park. Legoland really only had one ride that was an adult ride. It was something I had never seen before. It looked like a robotic arm with two seats attached at the end. The robot arm would swing all over the place and spin around. They had 5 different programs you could chose from. 1 (the easiest) was good for Brandon. 5 (the most difficult) gave me a severe headache as I was spun and around probably 15 times or more. Seth was brave enough to try number 5, so I got the lucky privilege of getting a headache twice. Brandon is sitting with me at the computer as I write, and his favorite ride was a roller coaster that was a green dragon. He went on that ride twice, once with Dad and once with Mom. His second favorite ride was another roller coaster that had quite a big hill. He is really getting brave at riding roller coasters. They had an area called miniland that had replicas of cities like Washington DC, New York, and Las Vegas. The park had a total of 40 million lego pieces used to make tons of models throughout the parks. Seth’s favorite was the ventriloquist, which kept him laughing pretty good. Levi’s favorite was a computer lab they had set up for programming a lego robot.

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