Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Visalia to Los Angeles

Monday, September 17
The day started with a beard trimming. After 79 days of facial hair growth, the beard just had to be trimmed. My original mountain man philosophy was getting annoying as food was finding its way into the hairy nest around my mouth. No worries, I’ve kept the facial hair, just gave it a trim.
We made our way to Los Angeles today. The trip was a success and mild failure. A failure because we didn’t pick the right road to see the Hollywood sign on the mountain, but a success because we avoided most of the LA traffic and the RV park we picked was within walking distance of a nice stretch of beach in the Huntington Beach area. The laugh of the day was brought about by my misfortune. The pacific water happens to be somewhat cold so I thought I would sit it out. However, the boys insisted that I go in with them. After coaxing and Levi chasing me around in the sand, I decided to make a bee line for the water. I thought it would be appropriate to run in to waist high level. However, at about shin high depth, I stepped into a divot and went falling face first into the water. So much for keeping the top half of me dry!
I’ve finally uploaded 60 pictures of the last 10 days (click on link to the right). I was disappointed with our Redwood and Sequoia pictures. We have some pictures that show the diameter of the trunks in perspective, but no pictures that show just how unique the entire forest looks as you walk through it.

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