Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year

Well hello everyone! One of our New Year Resolutions was to actually keep this up to date. Now the first step in that was for Hunter to teach me how to blog, change photos and maybe over time I'll even learn how to add photos!! watch out here I come:)
Seriously we'd like to be better and keep everyone up to date on the happenings in the Mayo house. I make no guarentees as to how often I'll get on, but hope to tell all who are interested how we are and what we are up to.

Are lives changed drastically last July when Dept of Social Services called us with a temporary placement.... well we still have our precious gift. She's 13 mo old now and we have watched her roll, sit up, crawl and now walk. The kids have thoroughly enjoyed her. She's a treasure and keeps us giggling with her new tricks and funny faces.

Life is semi slow at the moment with no sports to call us away. I've enjoyed having our evenings free. Wednesday night still finds us at church with Generations for the younger kids ( a family game and devotion time with Hunter) while Levi and I go down to Stepping Stones (youth group for 6-8th grade).

Life is fun and never very quiet here but we are thankful for the blessings of children and family.
I thought I'd give you a family poll.
Which teams do we want to see in the Super Bowl and whom do we want to see win????
Hunter Arizona vs Ravens with Cardinals winning
Sheri Arizona vs Ravens with Cardinals win
Levi Arizona vs Ravens he doesn't care who wins maybe Cardinals
Seth Arizona vs Ravens Ravens win
Brandon Eagles vs Steelers Eagles win
Bailey Eagles vs Ravens Eagles win

well as you can see we are a divided family we'll have to wait and see what happens. we'll be able to see it on the projector so at least their will be no doubt as to who wins.

we're praying this cold weather eventually results in SNOW what's the use of cold weather with nothing fun to play in??? we don't know either.

talk to you soon

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Glad to see your back to blogging!!! I LOVE the family picture!