Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 28-29 - Aquarium, Space Needle, Duck Tour, Pikes Place Market

Wednesday, August 29
Many of you who have been to Boston, DC, or other waterfront cities have probably seen the duck vehicle tours you can take. The vehicles are military land/water vessels from the 1940s that have been converted to touring vehicles. Sheri’s Dad went on one of these tours in Boston and really liked it so we gave it a try in Seattle. The drivers are trained to be comedians and keep you laughing for much of the trip. We enjoyed the 90 minute tour and learned some good things about Seattle. The tour actually gives you good spots to see in the following days. After our tour we went to the space needle for lunch. Since we were blessed with clear skies again, we had a great view of Mt. Rainer, Mt. Baker and the Seattle coastline. We allowed for an easy afternoon of swimming for the kids.
Tuesday, August 28
Today we went to the famous Pikes Place Market. It is best described as a cross between a farmer’s market and a flea market, but in a permanent setting. Some people who go to Pike’s place go there because they heard about the fish throwing that the Pike’s Fish Market. We didn’t really go there to shop, just to look. The market is just a short walk from the aquarium, which was next on the agenda. The Seattle Aquarium is pretty neat, but I guess you get spoiled if you’ve been to the Baltimore aquarium, which is huge. My favorite activity at the aquarium was seeing a wild sea lion swim up to the aquarium building. The aquarium building is built over the water so they have a boardwalk that looks onto the bay. Even the aquarium staff was surprised to see the sea lion. Today marked the day that I finally lost the battle with the stomach virus that was going around our family. I was the last to get it so now I get to enjoy its invasion in my body.

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