Monday, August 27, 2007

Sunday, August 26 - Relaxing In Tacoma, Washington

No miles logged today. Looking back at my logs, this is the first day we haven’t logged any miles on the RV since July 26! That day we didn’t log any miles because we could walk to a bus. You’d have to go back to July 14 for the last time we actually stayed put at the campground. Sounds crazy, but we haven’t really stopped to take much of a break. We took it easy today and used the break to get some needed chores done. I vacuumed out the RV while Sheri attended to the 5 loads of laundry. After chores, we took a bike ride. Many of you from the northwest probably know that they have quite a few bike trails. One trail happens to come right next to our campground. This trail was unique because it was lined with blackberry bushes. Miles and miles of blackberries, just ripening. We couldn’t help but enjoy the treat! Tomorrow we meet up with Sheri’s parents. They decided to tour Seattle with us since they hadn’t been there. I think they were also missing the grandkids a wee bit. We will stay in a hotel while in Seattle to allow for quick access to the sites. I’ve uploaded some photos from Glacier and Mt. Rainier, be sure to check them out by clicking on the link to the right. Unfortunately, both parks had some cloudy, rainy weather so we didn’t get as many scenic pictures as we had at the other parks.

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