Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Day 52 - Tuesday, August 21

We started yesterdey (8/21) thinking we would go for a hike at the top of the Going to the Sun Road. However, the day before it had hailed on us at that location. When we considered the brisk winds and the approaching rain clouds, we decided to forgo the hike and get on the road. We drove about 3.5 hours to Polson, Montana, which is a beautiful location. It's on the edge of flathead lake and has a nice view of the rockies. We will travel to Spokane, Washington today after the kids play mini golf and swim in the pool this morning. One unique aspect of this area of Montana is their affinity for huckleberries. I must admit, I had heard of huckleberries before, but hadn't eaten any. Glacier National Park is known for them and the bears fatten up on them before hibernation. We went to a huckleberry novelty store and tried a huckleberry milkshake (very good) and purchased some huckleberry preserves. Our lunch menu is typically peanutbutter and jelly and/or lunch meat. So we go through jam pretty quick. I'd bring some back, but I don't think they would make the trip back. I don't think I could look at them without eating them.

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