Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 40 - Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular parks in the National Park system. One reason it is so popular is its proximity to urban San Francisco and the surrounding area. Thousands of people make the 4 or 5 hour drive to Yosemite throughout the summer. It attracts so many largely because of its natural beauty. My personal favorite is Yosemite falls, which is the tallest water fall in North America. Yosemite Falls has snow melt that falls about 2,400 feet from the top of the falls to the bottom during the spring and early summer. It dries up in the late summer. If you ever decide to come to Yosemite, try to get here before the falls dry up, they are simply amazing. We were too late in 2007, but just in time for 2014.
Thankfully, I allowed more time here at Yosemite. Many of the other parks were scheduled as a one-day visit to allow us to see as many sites as possible. However, there were a few parks that I wanted to appreciate with an extra day. What we do with that extra day is always an important decision. Here at Yosemite, we decided to split up. Sheri, Brandon, Bailey, and Bria plan to listen to some of the ranger talks and take some short hikes. Levi, Seth, and I have decided we will take on one of the most strenuous hikes we have ever tackled: a 7 mile (round trip) hike to the top of Yosemite Falls. 7 miles really isn't bad until you factor in the 2,700 foot elevation gain. I'm headed to bed now so I can get a good some rest before the big hike. If you don't see any more posts, it's because I didn't make it back!

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