Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 3 - Hershey to New York City

We made it to NYC today. The only noteworthy milestone today was mile 257: entrance into New Jersey. Since we aren't on a time schedule, we decided to take a break and stop at Cabella's in Pennsylvania on our way here. It wasn't a planned stop, we just saw it from the interstate. We hadn't been before, but everyone kept talking about how great it was. If you haven't been, its nice. You have to really like the outdoors and mounted animals to appreciate its nicety. If your into guns or fishing, you would definitely want to go. They've got an entire room full of stuffed deer. The interesting thing is that they are all prize deer, most for their atypical antlers. Many have antlers like I've never seen: Prongs pointed down, and other odd configurations.
The RV park is bascially a parking lot. No trees, but a nice view of the city. Its actually situated in New Jersey right next to the Hudson River. We can walk to a light rail or a ferry, which will take us into Manhattan (on the schedule for tomorrow).

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