Sunday, July 29, 2007

July 29 – Visiting with Sheri’s cousin and Keith and Laura Mayo in Ohio

We had a relaxing day at the KOA in Toledo. Sheri’s cousin came over around 11am and had made a delicious lunch for us. I tried to allow Sheri and Melissa some time alone by taking the kids to the pool, but it was extremely cold. The water temperature rivaled that of the lake in Halifax. They said they had received some rain lately, but I didn’t realize it rained ice cubes in Ohio in the summer. Instead we played shuffleboard, which was fun. We had a good visit and then just hung out for a couple of hours until Keith and his wife Laura arrived. Actually the kids kept themselves busy by renting some of those crazy fun cycles. They are a three wheeled cycle requiring you to steer with your hips. Thankfully Keith and Laura arrived around 5pm. He must have used the afterburner on the U-Haul because he made it from West Virginia to Toledo in record time. We had pizza with them and then headed to Dayton. Tomorrow we will see the Dayton Air Force museum before heading to southern Illinois (a stop on our way to St. Louis).
Oh yea, I almost forgot. I put a new survey on the blog. It will allow some interaction between you readers and our family. Let us know how much time you think we should allow for transition from trip to work.

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