Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day 4 - New York City

What a fantastic day in the city!! We walked to a subway in NJ and took it to 34th street (where Macy's is located). Then we walked to Times Square and Central Park and took a cab to the World Trade Center. It looked like it was going to rain all day, but it held off until we were about 500 feet from our RV. We took the kids into Toys R Us and FAO Schwartz. In the evening we watched the fireworks (which Bailey could have done without) from our RV site while it rained off and on. After we went to bed we were awoken by torrential rains. Thankfully we didn't become an ark and float away. We are also grateful Bailey didn't hear the thunder(loudies)or we would have been up all night. One very interesting thing we saw today was this reed boat called the Abora3 (I posted a picture on the link or you can learn more at A German scientist believes that there were ancient people from Africa who crossed the Atlantic way before Columbus (several thousand years BC). He believes they used reed boats. To prove it, he is sailing from New York to Spain starting on July 11.

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