Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 2 - Hershey Park, Pennsylvania

Hershey Park was a blast. The high point was seeing Seth, Levi, and Brandon all try their first loop-de-loop roller coaster. Brandon's face didn't look excited as soon as we hit the loop but he yelled "awesome" when we got out of it. Unlike the first night in the RV when we tried to put the kids to bed early to get some sleep, last night they went to bed with no trouble and are still asleep about 9 hours later (I'm blogging at 7:15). The low point of the day was when I (Hunter) knocked off Levi's new $250 glasses in a crowd. A man stepped on them (it was nighttime) and popped the lens out. I was able to get the lens back in, but lets just say they don't look like they did when they were first purchased. The first purchase at the first WalMart stop will be a strap to hold them on. We've got a 4.5 hour trek to New York city today and then we will watch the fireworks on the 4th. We'll travel to Plymouth and spend one day there before going to Boston for the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No complaining about the money.....$250.00 is a drop in the bucket. Just enjoy the trip and quit adding everything up.... Like I should be talking :)

Have a great time...