Saturday, July 7, 2007

Day 7 - Boston Day 1

We had a full day in Boston today, leaving the hotel around 10 am and arriving back about 9:30 pm. We took advantage of Boston's subway and the free hotel shuttle to the closest subway stop. The first stop we made was at Bunker Hill. The entire family climbed all 294 steps to the top of the monument. I was surprised Brandon made it, but he is a real trooper. Bailey took the easy route and rode on my back. At Bunker Hill we got a chance to view a a musket firing where Sheri got a nice picture as the smoke erupted from the gun (see picture link). We proceeded to the USS Constitution, which is the oldest active Naval ship (built in the 1790s). Then we went to Paul Revere's house (built in 1680). A day in Boston wouldn't be complete without a meal at Cheers, so we finished the day with that. One of the funniest moments of the day happened in the morning. After Bailey's bath, I tried to blow dry her hair using the wall mounted blow drier. Unfortunately it appeared broken. After I said, "I don't know what is wrong with it", Bailey proceeded to tell me she knew. It took me a few minutes to figure out what she was saying: "It needs to be plugged in!". Sure enough she was right. I hadn't bothered to check that as my expectation was that all wall mounted blow driers stay plugged in. That moment was good for a family laugh. A second funny moment occurred at bedtime. We have been trying to have everyone state their high moment and low moment for the day just as we are going to bed. Bailey has picked up on this and tonight she proclaimed that her high moment today was playing on the playground. We all laughed because we didn't do that today.

1 comment:

mdegarmo said...

HELLO!! We have been following your adventures to this point with your blogs & pics!! If you want to make a side trip to Ohio let us know! Praying for all da Mayos!! love,
The DeGarmo's