Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July 9 - Boston to Acadia

Most travel days are 4 hours or less, but yesterday (July 9) was one of the longer legs at 5 hours. Everyone did fantastic in the car. I must admit, we did let the kids watch a movie on the DVD player to help pass the time. Yesterday was one of those days when you'd rather be in the car than outside, it was in the mid 50s and raining most of the day. We are hoping for warmer weather today as we venture into Acadia National Park. Two neat things about Acadia: they have the highest coastal mountain north of Rio and they have 57 miles of cobble stone roads that are dedicated for biking and hiking (no cars).


Unknown said...

Hunter, back in VA it was in the mid 90s.

Anonymous said...

Acadia & Cadillac MTn. are beautiful! We went camping there when I was in 6th or 7th grade. Lots of wild blueberries! Look for the kids book Blueberries for Sal for Bailey!

Anonymous said...

Woiops! I forgot to sign my name to that last post - it's Sarah Meisenhelter!!

Justin said...

H - Some pleasant whether we're having up here huh? It's a bit abnormal for the season - usually the rain has largely subsided by this point (considering that the first trees will turn in about 5 weeks - sugar maples - its only fair that we have some summer). Sure hope we have a chance to meet up on your way down from Canada.


Justin, Kate and Elke

anderca said...

Hi You Guys. Just started following your trip. It looks like a blast! Come see us when you are in NC. Carol Anderson